There are several ways to get help with your password.
If you are locked out:
- For security reasons, you have (3) attempts to type your password.
- You will be locked out for approximately (10) minutes if these attempts fail.
- You can wait and try again after (10) minutes if you think you know your password.
- You can also go into Password Manager and click on the "Account locked out?" link if you set up security questions, email verification, or SMS (text) verification.
- Or contact the Student Help Desk at 414-297-6541.
If you forgot your password or your password expired:
- You can go into Password Manager and click on the "Forgot your password?" link if you set up security questions, email verification, or SMS (text) verification.
- Or contact the Student Help Desk at 414-297-6541.
- Email the MATC Help Desk at, or start a chat by going into Google Hangouts and clicking the plus sign ( + ) in the upper left and searching for "" or “MATC-IT Helpdesk.”