Answered By: Diane Kercheck
Last Updated: Apr 01, 2020     Views: 4019

From the MATC Financial Aid page:

The 150% Rule
When you receive financial aid, you are subject to the 150% Rule. This rule means that if you attempt more than 150% of the credit hours needed to graduate from your program of study, you will not continue to receive financial aid. If you exceed 150% in any one program, you will not be eligible to continue to receive financial aid. All of the credits that you have ever taken at MATC or transferred to MATC, whether financial aid was used or not, are counted in this 150% rule calculation. If you have changed programs of study, all credits that you have ever taken at MATC or transferred to MATC are counted, whether they can be counted toward the credits you need to complete your program of study or not.

Once the MATC financial aid office becomes aware that a student cannot mathematically complete their program within the 150% time frame, the student's financial aid will be suspended.


For more information, please see the link below or call MATC Financial Aid at 414-297-MATC (6282).